Giving While on a Budget

by | Jan 21, 2019 | Budgeting and Finance

Just the other day I was having a conversation with one of our Credit Union members about her having a hard time sticking to a budget with family members who ask for financial help. I know it can be difficult to maintain a budget while your money is being pulled in too many directions. Giving while on budget can be a bit of a hot topic, especially if our friends and family have grown accustomed to asking us for money. We know we are supposed to give to those in need, especially our families, but we should take care of our own responsibilities first and foremost. 

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Taking care of yourself

It’s very important to pay your own bills and provide necessities for your household because if your utilities are being cut off, or you’re being evicted, it’s going to be very difficult to help anyone. As the cliche goes: You can’t pour from an empty glass. I was discussing this with one of my co-authors, Shannon, and she told me that when she councils people she relates it back to what the flight attendants tell moms with children on a plane about the circumstances when the oxygen masks come down. They tell the moms to put the mask on themselves first, so that they will be able to take care of their kids.

Setting a budget

So where does that put you when you’re on a budget? Well, add your “giving” money to your budget. Determine how much you feel comfortable giving and set that aside. When someone asks you for money, and you feel like being generous, you give from that budgeted amount.  When that amount has been used, you’re done for that pay period.

I’m not going to lie to you. There is a big possibility that you will get a bit of pushback when you input these rules, but stick to your guns. Remeber that the best thing you can give people is a good example.

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Hi everyone! I’m Missy. Welcome to my blog. It’s kind of a catch all of life. Here, my cohorts and I will cover many and varied topics. I’m glad you’ve come to visit with us. Enjoy your stay.

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