The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review

Today I am reviewing The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

Why You Need a Nintendo Switch

Today I’m going over the reasons why you need a Nintendo Switch.

Halloween Family Traditions

Here are some of our family’s Halloween traditions.

Harry Potter Birthday Party

It’s a Harry Potter Birthday Party for my favorite 11 year old! Check out these cool ideas.

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Welcome to my Fun with the Family category page. This page will be a collection of the fun stuff I’ve found to keep the kids entertained or fun party ideas as well as fun things we do together as a family.

I love spending time with my family. I think it’s important that they know they’re special so occasionally I tend to go a little over the top when I do something for them. I like to make meal time special as well and the majority of the time we eat together at the dinner table. On most Saturday mornings you can find us eating a large breakfast of fresh bacon purchased at our favorite local meat market, Johnnies Meats, with eggs and from scratch biscuits made by my husband. We’ve been known to sit around that table for hours having lengthy discussions about everything from dance to religion.

In a world that is constantly vying for our attention it’s a great thing to be able to stop for a little while and connect with the people around us.

About me


Hi everyone! I’m Missy. Welcome to my blog. It’s kind of a catch all of life. Here, my cohorts and I will cover many and varied topics. I’m glad you’ve come to visit with us. Enjoy your stay.

about me

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