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Welcome to Storytime with Shannon.
Hi, I’m Shannon.
I am a Christian. I am a Mom. I am a Blonde. I have the spiritual gift of Zany. I have a very irreverent sense of humor, My goal in life its to leave the world a little laughier than I found it. I write short and medium length stories and poems about my crazy life. My life is a sitcom called Blondeland.
Mommin’ Ain’t Easy, or The Faceplant Heard Round the World
Ok…so I avoided posting this experience because it was SOOO cringe-worthy, plus I am afraid the dude at Google Earth that is assigned to my quadrant of the planet will find out I’ve taken my show on the road, and then he will have even less of a life than he has now, what with all the urine soaking of his pants. Anyway, I have had a couple of friends tell me this is too good not to share – so here goes…
“Spray tanning for dummies” or “How to get an enema without really trying”
I am pale. Like “3 days dead”-is-my-foundation-shade-pale. So, when spray tanning first came out to the general populace (read: us unwashed Philistines) I jumped at the chance to be a color other than white or red. Little did I know, Oompa Loompa Orange was a possibility, but more on that in a minute.
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